Coleman Rail Passes RISQS Audit with 5 Stars

Coleman Rail has successfully passed its Railway Industry Supplier Qualification Scheme (RISQS) audit, achieving the maximum 5 stars.

Administered by Achilles on behalf of Network Rail, Coleman Rail’s integrated management system was audited specifically for the safety critical supply service and the railway civils projects that the company delivers.

The audit this year was split into a number of areas:

Our team was led by Compliance Manager, James Philips and took place over 1 day. Coleman Rail were able to demonstrate, through detailed evidence, how we deliver our rail services, through policy, procedure and process – covering railway schemes, which include; railway planning, audits and inspections, Drugs and Alcohol screening, rail sponsorship and fatigue management.

Managing Director, Barry Coleman said:

“This is a fantastic achievement. These audits are a significant undertaking and to receive a 5-star rating evidences our highly compliant, railway management systems. Thanks to all that were involved.”
